Welcome to GeoscienceINFO’S GeoRoutes! These field trips will take you to worlds you never knew existed throughout Ontario, Canada; primordial seas, explosive volcanoes, giant meteors, ancient marine creatures, and more! Choose your trip and discover. Do you have a field trip that you’d like to submit? Download our Submission Form.

Hand lens or magnifying glass, hiking boots or sturdy shoes, a camera, notebook and pen, clothing appropriate for rain or shine. GeoscienceINFO encourages you to take pictures and not samples, so leave your rock hammers at home.

There is the risk of injury at any field site; however, this risk can be greatly minimized by using good judgement and understanding the hazards that surround you. When viewing outcrops near roads, stay as far from the road as possible. Avoid climbing outcrops, and stick to paths. Always be sure to visit field sites with at least one other person, and make sure to have local emergency numbers on hand.

Each GeoRoute will list the level of difficulty, duration, and accessibility.

Scale of 1 to 5, from easiest to hardest. This indicates the approximate fitness level required, where 1 is an easy walk, and 5 requires a higher level of fitness.

The approximate duration of the GeoRoute.

Scale of 1 to 3, where 1 means that all or many stops are easily accessible; 2 means that some stops are easily accessible; and 3 means that stops are not easily accessible.